The Nigeria Finance & Investment Forum 2014
The Nigeria Finance & Investment Forum 2014
Theme: Creating unique solutions for the financial needs of SMEs
Postponed. New date will be coming up shortly, Lagos, Nigeria
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are critical to the development of any economy as they possess great potentials for employment generation, improvement of local technology, output diversification, development of indigenous entrepreneurship and forward integration with large-scale industries. According to Nigeria’s Central Bank Governor, in 2012, Nigeria had 17.6 million Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) employing about 32.4 million people, and contributing about 46.54% of nominal GDP. A recent survey by IFC and Mckinsey (2010) suggests that 80 per cent of these MSMEs are excluded from the financial markets. Between 2003 and 2012, commercial bank loans to small scale enterprises dropped from 7.5% to 0.14%. The banks readily attribute their risk aversion stance to the peculiarities of MSMEs which include the lack of managerial capacity, inadequate collateral, and poor record keeping amongst others. The Banks however also have their own challenges such as the issue of high transaction costs and lack of understanding by the
banks of the nature and operations of MSMEs. Other constraints plaguing the MSME sub-sector in Nigeria include infrastructure deficit (especially, power and transport) and policy inconsistencies.
With this background, Cowrie Partners is delighted to present its 2014 and second edition of The Nigeria Finance & Investment Forum slated for October 30, 2014 in Lagos. This conference follows from the inaugural one held June 18, 2013 at Transcorp Hilton, Abuja. The 2014 Conference brings together SME players, Bankers, policymakers, regulators, major international investors and reputable financiers to draw attention to the need to support SMEs and create financial solutions that will meet the peculiar requirements of this sub-sector. This event will also provide a forum for international and local investors to meet one-on-one with local SMEs and key government officials so as to establish the necessary rapport that leads to the making of beneficial investments.
This Conference has the following objectives:
- 1. Strengthen the private sector especially the SME sub-sector in Nigeria, by encouraging partnerships and attracting investments. The Forum is designed for SME owners/entrepreneurs interested in securing finance for their projects, for the Banks, Financiers and private investors looking for SME projects, as well as for policy makers and regulators;
- 2. Review the latest trends in financial innovation for SME customers in order to improve their access to finance;
- 3. Identify best practices that aids SMEs at international and national commercial banks, venture capital/private equity funds and insurance companies; and
- 4. Identify future actions to be taken by Governments, public and private sector development agencies, and international financial institutions in order to improve SMEs’ access to finance.
The conference will be a one day intensive event featuring Keynote speeches and Special Presentations. Almost 2 hours is reserved for audience questions and intervention so as to obtain quality contributions from stakeholders.
Opening/Keynote Speeches: The Hon. Ministers of Finance, Trade & Investment, National Planning, Women Affairs, the Central Bank Governor and the MD of the Bank of Industry are billed to deliver Keynote Addresses to set the tone for the Conference.
Special Presentations: In-depth special presentations on topical issues will be delivered by select local and international industry experts and leaders.
Rapporteurs: The proceedings and recommendations arising from this conference will be produced by Accenture and Cowrie Partners and delivered to the relevant authorities and interested conference delegates.
- Specific problems of financing SMEs – lack of access.
- Available Financial Programmes to SMEs in Nigeria.
- How SMEs can prepare and present their projects to potential investors.
- Financing women entrepreneurs.
- Case studies of Two Leading African SME Banks.
- Innovative solutions of Banks and DFIs to address the financial needs of SMEs.
- How best to structure an investment in Nigerian SMEs – managing the Risks.
We expect that as much as 200 delegates will attend this event from within and outside of Nigeria. These will be made up of SME owners, local and international bankers, asset managers, private equity fund managers, commercial lawyers and accountants, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, multilateral financial institutions, policy makers, law makers and regulators. Cowrie Partners will be working with Oxford Business Group as Media Partners and the Norwegian-African Business Association (NABA); Oslo Norway to coordinate the attendance of Africa focused investors. We are also engaging investors from Asia, Europe, United States and the UAE to facilitate their attendance.
- You will learn how SMEs can raise funding for business and if you are a financier you will get an update on best practise when it comes to SME financing.
- You will meet with high level government officials, international investors and regulators and through direct interaction with them you will gain a better understanding of the Nigerian market.
- You will be seen to be contributing and playing a leading role in the efforts at addressing the issue of SMEs access to financing.
- A positive way to advocate the points that are important to you before an international audience by making a presentation or be interviewed on a topical issue.
- Sustain your brand image as a market leader through our media campaigns before, during and even after the event.
- Your representatives will meet with high level government officials, international investors and regulators. You will also be able to invite your customers and potential clients as complimentary guests.
Join reputable institutions in Nigeria as a sponsor of this important event!
For sponsorship details please contact Yvonne Edo-Olotu:
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- Posted in Upcoming events
Dec, 11, 2013
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